Sometimes, when viewing photos of space, I know I’m being cheated. Especially with the nebulas. Those ancient plumes of dust and rock look so damn good with their pinks and greens and purples and blues. But its a LIE! It’s all smoke and mirrors and infra-red colour correction - to the naked eye, a nebula is grey. White. BEIGE. If you, young cosmonaut, were out there, passing by in your spaceship, it would be … dull.
So don’t be fooled! Next time you’re sitting there ogling a Horsehead or Eagle, remember its just some astro-intern turning up the instagram filter dial so that NASA can throw out a thirst trap!
But THIS VIDEO is different. This is space in all its high-res realism.1 This is space that you could actually see with your own eyes if only your eyeballs were about a billion times sharper. This is space where you can feel the size, the scope, the scale, the spirit.
This is space that speaks to you, because all those stars are real, and those stars have planets, and this is only one galaxy of trillions, and its not even your galaxy, and it tells you what you know deep down. That Earth is not alone - and a universe with life out there is infinitely vaster than a universe without.
Unless you’re a Gamer™, this video might be the only reason to buy a 4K monitor. But only if you position your eyeballs 5cm away from it and put your headphones on, before hitting play and departing for the astral plane.